About Us

Welcome to Stock Agent Pro, we are based in Inverell NSW, we have a background in software engineering and have run a web design business since 2009, Waterfall Way Designs. We have a passion for simplifying the complexities of rural businesses. Our journey began with a simple observation: the potential role technology could play in efficient, streamlined office processes. These processes where already in place, in people heads, on their phone, spreadsheets, whiteboards. This technology allows it to be bought under one roof, reducing duplication, inaccuracies, and improving communication and taking advantage of reporting.

The role of traditional stock and station agents remains irreplaceable. These seasoned professionals bring a human touch to negotiations, drawing on experience to secure the best outcomes for their vendors. Whether it be through saleyards, processors, feedlots, online sales platforms, or other vendors. Their expertise ensures the value of personal, informed negotiation stands the test of time. This software just aids that pursuit.

Born and raised in rural NSW we understand the specific needs of the agricultural community. We're committed to making office tasks, paperwork, and communication not just easier, but more effective and rewarding.

Our goal is to empower stock and station agents with technology that's tailored to the realities of rural business. At Stock Agent Pro, we're bridging the gap between technology and the agricultural community, ensuring that even the most traditional businesses can benefit from digital advancements.